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As a brand ambassador and an independent contractor self branding is the key to booking and securing work.

Self branding via your social media reputation speaks volumes to agencies and clients.

When you post most excellent photos of events, personal experience and valuable industry content, this connects staffing agencies and clients to you in a next level way. A positive professional online presence shows that you care about your work and will make us want to hire you again and again.

In short: When we see our teams and consumers having an awesome time at an event, it’s kind of our favorite thing.

Unfortunately, the potential to backfire in social media posting is high. It’s super tough to walk the blurred line where personal and professional lives cross. This is where self branding can go horribly wrong.

By keeping a few simple things in mind you can easily create a stellar professional brand ambassador social media presence that will benefit you AND the companies you work for. Everyone wins!

Things to DO:

1-Create a separate social media profile for your professional brand/self

2-Set your personal social media accounts to private and your professional accounts to public

3- Snap event pics when appropriate (before the event, during a break and/or a very quick few shots at the peak of the event).

4-Edit postings…heavily. This applies to both writing and photos. Proper grammar, typo-free professional writing is the way to go. One to three quality events OR a collage if you have more.

5-Include links to your professional social media profiles in your staffing agency profiles, resume and email signature.

Things NOT to DO

1-Post sexually suggestive photos or unprofessional language

2-Hashtag/tag anything without client/agency approval (check with the manager onsite)

3-Post anything while working the event (unless requested)

4-Trash-talk clients, brands, staffing agencies or other staff members. If you have an issue contact the person/company directly and privately.

As a brand ambassador, operating as your own brand/business on social media is a very powerful tool that can be used to book the gigs you want. Following the above tips will allow you the freedom to curate your online self/brand, get you noticed by agencies and keep your private life separate from your work life.

We are currently booking energetic brand ambassadors for some super fun events, nationwide!  If interested in joining the ATN Promo team, come fill out a free profile with us here.

By: Shannon Locker – Digital Marketing Manager – Head of Talent Acquisition at ATN Promo